We provide a welcoming space at more than 24 locations
throughout the Puget Sound region.

Are you in need of services? Visit our Community Resources page for referrals.

Learn more about Compass Housing Alliance’s shelter, affordable housing and support services for men, women, Veterans, and families.

Program Areas

Explore our different programs through the links below. Though they cover a broad range of services, they all work together to help us carry out our vision of safe and caring community for all.

Emergency Programs and Shelters

From mail delivery and banking to hot showers and laundry, our support services help meet people’s immediate needs. Our shelters provide both a safe place to sleep and case management resources. All our shelters are enhanced shelters. Our enhanced shelter model removes several barriers for people transitioning off the street by partnering overnight shelter with 24/7 on-site support services and intensive case management including housing navigation services.

Permanent Affordable Housing

Above all, we are committed to innovative solutions for families and individuals seeking stability, growth, and community.