Everyone Deserves A Home and Everyone Can Leave A Legacy
What is your Legacy?

With a legacy gift, you support safe, dignified, supportive, and affordable housing for everyone. You help shape a bright future for everyone in our community.
You’re already a good neighbor to those we walk alongside at Compass Housing Alliance.
We see that you put your values into action in our community, investing in Compass’s mission – for individuals, families, Veterans, and seniors – because everyone deserves a home.
Compass leads with compassion and we change lives because
Paul Hogle, Ambassador Council Member
we walk alongside our guests and residents. We can make a real difference,
but people need a place to live first.
Ready to help shape the future of our community?
We will make it easy.
Did you know that leaving a legacy can be as simple as filling out a beneficiary designation form, such as on your insurance policy, investment account, 401(k), or 403(b) plan?
Simply complete the Legacy Giving Interest Form and we’ll go from there!
(Want to learn more about how to make a gift?)
Is Compass Housing Alliance already in your will, named as a beneficiary, or included in your future legacy plans? We would love to hear from you – please get in touch with us directly:
Compass Contact: Anne Jannetti (206) 485-3223
Compass Housing Alliance
c/o Advancement
220 Dexter Avenue North
Seattle, WA 98109
This information is not intended as tax, legal, or financial advice. Consult your personal financial advisor for information specific to your situation.
All inquiries and information are treated with complete confidentiality, will be used for Compass Housing Alliance’s internal purposes only, and are not considered to be a legal or financial obligation.