In January 2021, two legacies joined forces to address growing needs in the Pacific Northwest. Lutheran Community Services Northwest (LCSNW) and Compass Housing Alliance (Compass) entered into agreement for Compass to become an affiliate of LCSNW.
The two social services agencies with Lutheran roots bring complementary strengths to the affiliation. Compass brings a focus on enhanced emergency services and affordable housing, while LCSNW focuses on behavioral health, child welfare, family services, crime victims, and seniors.
“Both of our 100-year-old organizations have a history of responding to needs in our communities and making meaningful impacts,” said LCS Northwest CEO and President David Duea. “We live in a time when people are struggling economically, and our dual focus on the most vulnerable people could not be more important. I believe that working side by side we can deliver health, justice, and hope as well as stability, growth, and community.”
Compass’s name, executive leadership, and programming remain in place. Both agencies look forward to strategic growth as each surpass 100 years of service.
About Lutheran Community Services Northwest: Founded in 1921, LCSNW is a non-profit organization partnering with individuals and families to provide health, justice, and hope in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. LCSNW helps more than 40,000 people each year by ensuring they have access to behavioral health, crime victim advocacy, child, youth and family, refugee, and immigrant supportive services, and aging and independent living services. For more information about LCSNW, go to https://lcsnw.org/.