Dejah is a United States Navy Veteran who served in Kosovo and Iraq during Operation Desert Storm. Yet after her husband died and she left the Navy, Dejah ended up with no home and social security disability payments as her only source of income.
“People who go into the military, we are people who are willing to give up everything to protect this country,” she said. “We don’t get paid well, sometimes we have to live in horrible environments, there’s continuous stress, and the threat of harm is always hanging over our heads. But we keep on and do whatever it takes.”
Dejah was eligible for VA benefits, but the paperwork overwhelmed her. She became depressed and was considering taking her own life until a friend moved her to Washington state.
She got on a waiting list for housing at Compass.

“I didn’t even have an ID when I got out here,” she said. “I found out about Compass, but I had to basically start from zero. I was done, I was tired, but because of the dedication of my case manager at Compass, we were able to gradually work things out.”
Dejah and her case manager, Michael, worked together to get her the resources and help she needed while she lived at Renton Veterans Center (RVC).
“I wouldn’t have been able to go through this without Compass,” she said. “I wouldn’t
have gotten to where I am now without the things Compass does for Veterans. They
knew how to handle things that come with being a Veteran, like PTSD and physical issues. I was a mess at that time!”
Because of support from people just like you, Compass was there for Dejah.
“Even though I was a handful, my case manager never gave up on me,” she says. “Michael was a paperwork genius and that was so key because paperwork is confusing for me. He even got me to see a therapist and get an emotional support animal.”
Over time, Dejah was able to move into housing of her own. Armed with a positive attitude and lessons learned from Compass, Dejah continues to work towards the life she wants and deserves. Recently, Dejah achieved her dream of owning her own home!
She is working hard and continuing with her therapy. She and her growing household (her dog Midget and three cats Empress, Mary Jane, and Kaya) are flourishing.

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Compass makes real, transformative change possible.