Jon Perrino (Microsoft) the current Compass Housing Alliance Board Chair and former Board member Pastor Kevin Bates (Magnolia Lutheran Church) both share why they support Compass Housing Alliance.

Pictured: Jon Perrino in the second row, second column of this Ambassador Council group photo.

“One of the reasons why I’m involved with Compass is because my own family history was quite turbulent. We spent some time homeless and staying in temporary housing provided by a church in the Chicago suburbs. We were one step from being on the street. I thought that if I ever had the opportunity to give back to the community I would do so.

I got my degree in economics at UW, and while a student, I volunteered at the Downtown Emergency Service Center. That started a 25-year journey in hands-on volunteering with the homeless community. My first board role was with Wellspring Family Services and through that experience, I discovered the impact a board may have on the strategy and vision of an organization.

People who experience homelessness are no different from anyone else; we all deserve the same thought, care, compassion, respect, and dignity. There is a very thin barrier between those who are housed and those who are unhoused. Sometimes life knocks you down, but there is no difference between all of us at our cores. 

Compass is unique because we can be with a person the entire journey from being on the street to a shelter to an affordable apartment – all while providing services and walking alongside them on their transition.

Pictured: Magnolia Lutheran Church

“Compass staff see the people that live outside as human beings, as our neighbors, as people who deserve dignity and respect. People experiencing homelessness are our neighbors – they are people created by God. As a person of faith, I believe that they are as important as I am. They are a part of me, and my well-being is connected to their well-being.

I was part of the Compass Board when we built Compass at Broadview affordable housing program. I was very proud of the team of people who worked on that project. Compass meets people where they are and then provides support to help them become self-sufficient.

You show me a thousand people experiencing homelessness and I’ll show you a thousand different stories of how they got there. Compass does what it takes to get people to Tomorrow. Their enhanced shelter programs move people toward permanent housing – getting our neighbors into a home. We should continue to support Compass in their mission.

We couldn’t do the important work we do without the financial support of people just like you. Please consider giving at whatever level is right for you.

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