Our hearts are breaking as once again hatred and misogyny rear their ugly heads. Our thoughts go out to our Asian American brothers and sisters in this latest example of our country’s foundational problems of casual violence and racism.

We condemn violence and bigotry in all forms and will continue to stand with those who need it.

The mass shooting in Atlanta targeting Asian-American women has such a deep impact. Many, if not most, women know the feeling of being a target of male rage. This act of misogyny layered on top of the rising levels of anti-Asian violence is a stark reminder of the dangers of white supremacy. One recent study indicates that anti-Asian hate crimes have spiked 150% since the pandemic began.

This violence against Asian-Americans isn’t new. From the exclusion act of 1882 and the internment of Americans of Japanese descent in World War II to the pervasive and harmful stereotypes found in entertainment and popular culture, this country has always struggled with implementing its own ideals of freedom and equal protection for those who are not in the majority.

At Compass, we stand up against racist injustice affecting all communities of color and we condemn statements by those in power that have encouraged violence against Asian-Americans. My hope is that we at Compass can work together to create understanding and alternatives to the violence that affects all the communities we serve.

Know that we will continue to give aid and comfort to those who need it regardless of their background, social status, country of origin, or any other demographic marker. We welcome all and will push for more understanding and empathy of communities of color while continuing to call for accountability to those that act on fear, bigotry, and explosive racist rhetoric.

Mary Steele

Executive Director of Compass Housing Alliance